
[音乐分享] [WEB][201212] 柯智豪 - 影集《返校》原聲帶 [FLAC]

音乐, 音乐专辑 宅男美女社 - 1



『 你是回來了,還是不曾離開過… 』


2020 年由公共電視推出改編影集,影集版更以驚悚懸疑的風格、台灣人獨有的歷史背景與在地民俗文化,躍上國際舞台!吸引了國際串流娛樂平台 Netflix 搶下獨家跟播權,在全球 190 個國家同步播出這部充滿台灣色彩的驚悚類型影集。
“Have you come back, or have you never left…”

Rumors and ghost stories were swirling in Greenwood High School during the martial law era in the 1960s after a series of events of an arrest of students and faculty members for organizing a book club and a falling accident that took the life of its student, Fang, Jui-hsin. The school was forced to hold puja to exorcise the ghost of the lost souls.

Fast forward 30 years, the stern tradition and authoritarian way of Greenwood High School presses on. The newly transferred Liu, Yun-hsiang trespasses into the old forbidden corner of the school, accidently encounters the ghost under the seals. And in turns, the truth of the dusted tragedies begins to reveal.

This thrilling TV series adaptation by Taiwan Public Television Service from the Detention game tells the unique history and exotic culture of Taiwan. It successfully attracted Netflix to purchase its exclusive oversea broadcasting rights to 190 countries to proudly present this Taiwanese flavor thriller to the audience around the globe.
出品 Presenter:公共電視 Taiwan Public Television Service
改編授權 Licensor:赤燭遊戲 Red Candle Games
製作 Film Production:邊境映象藝文有限公司 Outland Film Production

製作人 Producer:林仕肯 Lin,Shih-Ken、林怡伶 Lin,Yi-Ling
導演 Director:蘇奕瑄 Su,Yi-Syuan、莊翔安 Jhuang,Siang-An、劉易 Liou,Yi
編劇 Adapted Screenplay:蔡坤霖 Cai,Kun-Lin、洪子詠 Hong,Zih-Yong、魏于嘉 Wei,Yu-Jia、蕭詒徽 Siao,Yi-Huei

演員 Cast:李玲葦 Li,Ling-Wei、韓寧 Han,Ning、黃冠智 Guanzhi、姚淳耀 Yao Chun Yao、趙正平 (趙哥) David Chao、羅光旭 Jonathan、鄭家榆 Cheng,Jia-Yu、張翰 Han Chang、瑞雪 Snowbaby、夏騰宏 Hsia,Teng-Hung、吳昆達 Wu,Kun-Da、房思瑜 Serena Fang、林志謙 Xavier Lin、王渝萱 Wang,Yu-Syuan

配樂 Original Soundtrack:柯智豪 Blaire Ko(柯智豪音樂工作室 Blaire Ko Music Studio)
▌相反(返校影集主題片尾曲)Opposite Of Truth (Detention : The Series Theme Song)
製作人 Producer:何欣穗 ciacia HER
演唱 Vocalists:陳嫺靜 HSIEN CHING、何欣穗 ciacia HER
詞曲 Composer and Lyrics:何欣穗 ciacia HER
編曲 Arrangement:吳穎然 ARNY
電吉他 Electric Guitars:吳穎然 ARNY
和聲編寫、人聲程式設計 Harmony Arrangement and Vocal Programming:Lisa Djaati
錄音師 Recording Engineer:戴建宇 Jungle K、何欣穗 ciacia HER
錄音室 Recording Studio:浩世錄音室 House Music Studio、這虎錄音室 The Hu Studio
混音師 Mixing Engineer:Yoad Nevo
母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer:Yoad Nevo
▌配樂 Original Soundtrack
音樂製作人 Music Producer:柯智豪 Blaire Ko
曲、編曲 Composer and Arrangement:柯智豪 Blaire Ko

打擊 Drums:Alex Chen
管樂 Concert Band:DCT Concert Band
手風琴 Accordion:柯智豪 Blaire Ko
吉他 Guitar:柯智豪 Blaire Ko
貝斯 Bass:山下昌宏 Yamashita Yokotani
鋼琴 Piano:柯智豪 Blaire Ko
合成器 Synthesizer:三牲獻藝 sam-seng-hiàn-gē (fish.the, Sonic Deadhorse)
管弦統籌 Orchestral Supervisor:蔡志驤 Tsai Ghi Hsiang、鄭琬儒 Jheng Wan-Ru
弦樂 String Orchestra:永樂廳弦樂團 Yong-Le-Ting
民樂擔當 Taiwan Traditioinal Consulting:許家銘 Hsu Chia-ming、栢樂座 Pogakband
鼓佬、嗩吶 Drums and Suona:許家銘 Hsu Chia-ming
胡琴 Hu-Qin:潘品渝 Pan Pin Yung
鑼鈔 Gongs and Cymbals:許家銘 Hsu Chia-ming

監製 Superviser:許智敏 Jamie Hsu
錄音、混音 Recording and Mixing Engineer:柯智豪音樂工作室 Blaire Ko Music Studio
後期製作監督 Post-production Superviser:許智敏 Jamie Hsu
母帶後期 Mastering:柯智豪音樂工作室 Blaire Ko Music Studio
錄音室 Sound Studio:佳聲錄音室 Good Sound Studio、橋頭錄音室 CiaoTou Studio、柯智豪音樂工作室 Blaire Ko Music Studio
執行製作 Executive Producer:貓塔眉 Nicole Wang、鄭琬儒 Jheng Wan-Ru
協力、譜務 Assistant and Librarian:楊千霈 Yang Chien Pei
翻譯 Translator: 小州 Phenix Hsieh

數位原聲帶排版設計 Digital Album Layout Design:彭雅倫 Ellen Peng
影集美術主視覺設計 The Series Art Design:傅學祺 Fu,Syue-Ci
影集標準字設計 The Series Logotype Design:陳拓宏 Chen,Tuo-Hong
劇照攝影 Still Photograph:李欣哲 Li,Sin-Jhe
▌感謝 Thanks to:
林仕肯 Lin Shih Ken、牡蠣音樂 mulii、張凱特 Chang Ching Wen、派歌 Packer、朱庭緯 Ting-Wei Chu、文化部影視及流行音樂產業局 Bureau of Audiovisual and Music Industry Development, Ministry of Culture、補助評審、支持我們和喜愛返校的大家。
本作品獲文化部影視及流行音樂產業局 109 年補助
This album is subsidized by the Bureau of Audiovisual and Music Industry Development, Ministry of Culture.

“Have you come back, or have you never left…”

Rumors and ghost stories were swirling in Greenwood High School during the martial law era in the 1960s after a series of events of an arrest of students and faculty members for organizing a book club and a falling accident that took the life of its student, Fang, Jui-hsin. The school was forced to hold puja to exorcise the ghost of the lost souls.

Fast forward 30 years, the stern tradition and authoritarian way of Greenwood High School presses on. The newly transferred Liu, Yun-hsiang trespasses into the old forbidden corner of the school, accidently encounters the ghost under the seals. And in turns, the truth of the dusted tragedies begins to reveal.

This thrilling TV series adaptation by Taiwan Public Television Service from the Detention game tells the unique history and exotic culture of Taiwan. It successfully attracted Netflix to purchase its exclusive oversea broadcasting rights to 190 countries to proudly present this Taiwanese flavor thriller to the audience around the globe.

Presenter:Taiwan Public Television Service
Licensor: Red Candle Games
Film Production:Outland Film Production

Producer:Lin,Shih-Ken , Lin,Yi-Ling
Director: Su,Yi-Syuan , Jhuang,Siang-An , Liou,Yi
Adapted Screenplay:Cai,Kun-Lin , Hong,Zih-Yong , Wei,Yu-Jia , Siao,Yi-Huei

Cast:Li,Ling-Wei , Han,Ning , Guanzhi , Yao Chun Yao , David Chao , Jonathan , Cheng,Jia-Yu , Han Chang , Snowbaby , Hsia,Teng-Hung , Wu,Kun-Da , Serena Fang , Xavier Lin

Original Soundtrack: Blaire Ko(Blaire Ko Music Studio)

▌Opposite Of Truth (Detention : The Series Theme Song)

Producer:ciacia HER
Vocalists:HSIEN CHING , ciacia HER
Composer and Lyrics:ciacia HER
Electric Guitars:ARNY
Harmony Arrangement and Vocal Programming:Lisa Djaati
Recording Engineer:Jungle K , ciacia HER
Recording Studio:House Music Studio , The Hu Studio
Mixing Engineer:Yoad Nevo
Mastering Engineer:Yoad Nevo

▌Original Soundtrack

Music Producer:Blaire Ko
Composer and Arrangement:Blaire Ko
Lyrics〈School Anthem of Greenwood〉:Cai,Kun-Lin
Vocalist〈School Anthem of Greenwood〉: Lin,Shih-Ken , Lin,Yi-Ling , Jiang,Yi-Jhen , Jhan,Fu-Yu , Ou Yang Sin , Liou,Yi , Chen,Yu-Sheng
Drums:Alex Chen
Concert Band:DCT Concert Band
Accordion:Blaire Ko
Guitar:Blaire Ko
Bass:Yamashita Yokotani
Piano:Blaire Ko
Synthesizer:sam-seng-hiàn-gē ( fish.the, Sonic Deadhorse )
Orchestral Supervisor:Tsai Ghi Hsiang , Jheng Wan-Ru
String Orchestra:Yong-Le-Ting
Taiwan Traditioinal Consulting:Hsu Chia-ming , Pogakband
Drums and Suona:Hsu Chia-ming
Hu-Qin:Pan Pin Yung
Gongs and Cymbals:Hsu Chia-ming
Superviser:Jamie Hsu
Recording and Mixing Engineer: Blaire Ko Music Studio
Post-production Superviser:Jamie Hsu
Mastering:Blaire Ko Music Studio
Sound Studio:Good Sound Studio , CiaoTou Studio , Blaire Ko Music Studio
Executive Producer:Nicole Wang , Jheng Wan-Ru
Assistant and Librarian:Yang Chien Pei
Translator:Phenix Hsieh

Digital Album Layout Design:Ellen Peng
The Series Art Design:Fu,Syue-Ci
The Series Logotype Design:Chen,Tuo-Hong
Still Photograph:Li,Sin-Jhe

▌Thanks to:
Lin Shih Ken , mulii , Chang Ching Wen , Packer , Ting-Wei Chu , Bureau of Audiovisual and Music Industry Development, Ministry of Culture 。

This album is subsidized by the Bureau of Audiovisual and Music Industry Development, Ministry of Culture.

  1. 下一代
  2. 猜疑
  3. 覆蓋真實
  4. 返校(片頭曲)
  5. 惡意
  6. 相反(返校影集主題片尾曲)
  7. 雙雙墮落
  8. 混亂
  9. 白鹿玉珮
  10. 涵翠樓
  11. 開門之前
  12. 帶刺玫瑰
  13. 芸香空間
  14. 有理由的擔憂
  15. 白教官
  16. 招喚
  17. 脫身
  18. 轉身
  19. 扭曲
  20. 水仙
  21. 魏仲廷的回望



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